Child Protection

The St. Cillian’s community are strongly committed to working with children in a manner that ensures their protection and welfare.  We take our responsibilities very seriously and have instilled a very strong culture of child protection across the school.

Designated Liasion Person: These persons are nominated by the board of management, as the designated liaison person for the school when dealing with Túsla – Child and Family Agency, An Garda Síochána and other parties in connection with allegations/concerns about child abuse.

In St. Cillian’s, the designated liaison person (DLP) is Mr.Dilleen The deputy designated liasion person (DDLP) is Ms. Kelly. In the absence of Mr. Dilleen,  Ms. Kelly acts up as the DLP and Ms. Hynes the DDLP.

If you have a concern about child protection, ensure that you contact the school DLP or DDLP and Túsla (01) 771 8500. The DLP must report these concerns onto Túsla child and family services.

Child protection is categorised under the following four headings:

1) Neglect
2) Emotional abuse
3) Physical abuse
4) Sexual abuse

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