Best Practice Document

The relationship between the youth worker and young person is central to the youth work process and should be honest, respectful, developmental and have clear and appropriate boundaries. In practice this means that:

  • Youth workers are welcoming and open towards young people
  • Youth workers ensure that young people are aware of relationship boundaries and the youth worker’s role and responsibilities in relation to young people’s care, safety and well-being
  • Youth workers are non-judgmental in their dealings with young people
  • Youth workers engage with young people in a non-discriminatory manner, with particular reference to gender, age, religious belief, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, race, disability or membership of the Traveller community
  • Youth workers are inclusive and consistent in their engagement and interaction with young people and do not engage in favouritism
  • Youth workers engage in active listening with young people both on an individual and group basis
  • Youth workers communicate information and decisions to young people in a clear and easily understood manner
  • Youth workers use humour in an appropriate manner and ensure that young people are not offended by its use
  • The relationship between a youth worker and a young person should be purposeful, developmental and focussed on responding to the potential and Identified needs of the young person
  • When dealing with matters of a sensitive, personal or emotional nature with a young person or group, youth workers need to be aware of and not exceed their own level of skill and expertise
  • Youth workers use the unplanned opportunities that frequently arise in youth work to engage with and develop their relationship with young people
  • Youth workers observe the youth project/service’s child protection policy and procedures when engaging in relationship building with young people.
  • Youth workers observe the youth project/service’s health and safety and fire safety policies and procedures.
  • Youth workers use team processes and supervision sessions to discuss, explore and develop their practice in relation to relationship building.

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